Butter Package Design - Part 2


Here are a few designs that are not in circulation yet, but should be!

Butter! Better!

Butter Better is a new and convenient way to take your butter on the go. This functional, single serving has a knife built right into the disposable packaging so you can scoop and spread butter without the hassle of bring cutlery out of the house.

The designer, Yeongkeun Jeong was born and raised in Korea. He is a product designer and currently working as an Industrial designer.

Yeongkeun Jeong website

Butter Plus

Designed by Marta Suslow and Mara Holterdorf, Butter Plus© has been developed in cooperation with the Weidenhammer Packaging Group, Europe’s leading supplier of packages and the DVI - the German Institute of Packaging. 

Weidenhammer Packaging Group website

Mara Holterdorf website

Marta Suslow website

Le Bon Breton

Katie McLurg, is a graphic designer based in London.

Katie McLurg website