Butter Collection


Some people collect books, antique toys or coins. I collect different brands of butter. 

People often ask me what my favorite butter is. While I do have some favorites, it varies month to month. I have a habit of purchasing butter brands that I haven't tried. This was a problem because I couldn't eat them all by the expiration date. I came up with a solution; I now keep a bag in my freezer with sealed butter samples. I section the butter and vacuum seal each section labeled with the purchase date. This allows me to purchase new butter when I find one and try a variety of butters.

I have a butter notebook that I log in all newly purchased butters. I write the brand name, type (salted/unsalted/organic/pasture raised), date of purchase and where I bought it. When I take out a new butter to try, I make notes in my butter notebook: like, didn't like, too salty, oily, creamy, grassy, light, fresh, bland, etc. I ask my family's opinion so I have a range of evaluations.

Stay tuned; I am working on a post to share some of my favorite butter brands.